Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: bine public comun

Perspectivă istorică asupra Instituției Statului
The article aims to present the State Institution from a historical perspective, with reference mainly to the Romanian realities that exist on our homeland’s territory. In the second part of the paper we show the characteristics of the Capitalist State of the contemporary period trying to establish at the level of principles, some of the essential ones, in our opinion, from the perspective of building the future of the present.
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Relaţia popor – stat – naţiune, ca proiecţie a lumii post
Starting from the concepts of population, state and nation and the interdependencies between them, the article aims to build, based on the fiction called: the post world, to which can be added words such as: pandemic, crisis, industrial, globalization, etc., solutions for the future. We are focused primarily on the Romanian reality in which we work, live and love, which has been and is in a continuous change, which we would like, from the per...
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