Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: condominii

Dreptul neoliberal românesc; între mituri fundaţionale și realitatea precarităţii proprietăţii individuale în blocurile de locuinţe (Partea a II-a)
03 01 2024
In this article, base d on an examination of Romanian neoliberal reforms on‘housing’, I debunk several posts 1989 myths related to private, individual property. In the senses famously articulated by David Harvey, I argue that the post 1989 Romanian radical neoliberal project in law (and economy) is at once a political practice and a utopia. At the utopian level, this project creates a fictional socialist era legal reality that it p...
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Dreptul neoliberal românesc: între mituri fundaţionale și realitatea precarităţii proprietăţii individuale în blocurile de locuinţe (Partea I)
02 01 2024
In this article, based on an examination of Romanian neoliberal reforms on ‘housing’, I debunk several posts 1989 myths related to private, individual property. In the senses famously articulated by David Harvey, I argue that the post 1989 Romanian radical neoliberal project in law (and economy) is at once a political practice and a utopia. At the utopian level, this project creates a fictional socialist era legal reality that it purpor...
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