Despre premisele, dezvoltările și perspectivele unui drept al inteligenţei artificiale
01 01 2024
The pervasive assertion and emergence of evolved forms of AI offer tremendous opportunities for innovation and growth, but at the same time they also generate dangers, unprecedented in nature and scope for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Governing the multiple challenges thus generated requires the intervention of regulation, by establishing and complying with voluntary ethical and legal norms. An instrument for regulatin...
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Analiză privind lawfare în dreptul internaţional din perspectivă transdisciplinară
05 01 2022
Considering the terminological meaning of this new concept which has been given the name of lawfare, we will note that it can be particularly useful to develop the research of this topic in a new scientific and even cultural approach: through transdisciplinarity, whose aim is to highlight the nature and characteristics of the flow of information that circulates between different branches of knowledge. Lawfare can affect the very DNA of...
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