Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: drepturi și libertăţi fundamentale

Demnitatea fiinţei umane și efectivitatea drepturilor fundamentale – temeiuri ale păcii sociale
The peace, that state in which no type of conflicts can be found, felt bothindividually and collectively, socially, is closely related to the balance of socialrelations, contributing to the harmonious development of the human being,being even an important factor of happiness. It cannot be obtained without the awareness of the active role and involvement of the individual in such a setting. To be motivated towar...
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Decizia Curţii Constituţionale a Germaniei din 29 aprilie 2021 și rolul său în progresul dreptului climei
Considered to be the most important decision up to now of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in the field of environmental law, the decisions of April 29th, 2021, by which certain provisions of the law regarding climate protection of 2019 have been declared unconstitutional, is a continuation of the previous European precedents (especially the Dutch experience – the „Urgenda” case, and the French “Affaire du siècle”), enriches ...
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