Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: proces civil

Ascultarea minorului – probă în litigiile de dreptul familiei
Any litigation in which a minor is involved is particularly emotional. Regardless of whether we refer to the judge appointed to decide that case, the minor’s parents or other participants in the civil lawsuit, hearing him/her must be carried out with great care and in compliance with strict procedures, so that this procedure will not affect his/her mental, emotional and social development. The state is obliged, through its decision-maker...
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Relativitatea efectului pozitiv al autorității lucrului judecat. Oscilații doctrinare și jurisprudențiale
In our study we endeavour to analyse the semantic content of the authority of res judicata through the prism of its positive effect. We present the initial concept of the legislator, which imposed the existence of a triple identity of parties, object and cause of the litigation in order to benefit from the presumption of truth associated with res judicata. We show that this concept later underwent multiple metamorphoses first by the differenti...
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