Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: sancţiune

O sancţiune procesuală aplicată în mod pretorian și efectele imprevizibile ale acesteia – încetarea de drept a măsurilor asiguratorii
By art. 19 of Law no. 6/2021 on establishing measures for the implementationof Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1.939 of 12 October 2017 implementing a form of consolidated cooperation regarding the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Criminal Procedure Code was amended, thus establishing the obligation of the judicial authorities to verify, ex officio, the existence of the grounds that determined the taking or main...
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Avizul de angajare: chestiuni jurisprudenţiale și dificultăţi de interpretare
05 01 2022
In the context in which the labour market in Romania is facing one of the most difficult periods in recent years, the scarcity of human capital can represent a real danger regarding both the activity of large companies in Romania and the national economy. The increasingly flagrant lack of Romanian workers is conducive to the employees steering their attention to workers situated outside the European Union, not only because this alternative wo...
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