Articole de la același autor Raul Alexandru NESTOR

Raul Alexandru NESTOR este judecător la Curtea de Apel Ploiești.
Particularităţi normative actuale în favoarea aplicării mecanismelor justiţiei restaurative pentru minori în sistemul procesual penal
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
Although the application of the specific mechanisms of restorative justice to conflict situations would present indisputable advantages, we will have to note that restorative justice is not a priority for the national legislator, an extended regulation can bring multiple advantages, including at the level of the judicial system. Constantly, at the level of all contemporary legal systems, clear efforts have been made to improve the clas...
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Justiţia restaurativă în România – de la necesitatea implementării unui mod de soluţionare alternativă a litigiilor la timiditatea constantă a legiuitorului
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
If until the adoption of the 1991 Constitution there were several normative acts in force that prevented free access to justice, the entry into force of a new fundamental law led to their repeal, the national legislator sometimes intervening in the absence of an impact study, only in consideration of the need to respect the principles guaranteed at the constitutional level. At this stage of development of national legislation, all those...
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Respectarea normelor procesuale în activitatea de ascultare a persoanei vătămate minore – garanție pentru soluționarea echitabilă a unei cauze penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
Without being ignored in any way by the national legislator, the situation of the minor victim has been substantially improved in terms of the procedural rights regulated in the new criminal procedural legislation. Although there were specific provisions for the protection of this vulnerable category of persons in the previous regulation, the new legislation also took into account the established jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Ri...
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Respectarea normelor procesuale în activitatea de ascultare a persoanei vătămate minore – garanţie pentru soluţionarea echitabilă a unei cauze penale
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
Without being ignored in any way by the national legislator, the situation of the minor victim has been substantially improved in terms of the procedural rights regulated in the new criminal procedural legislation .Although there were specific provisions for the protection of this vulnerable category of persons in the previous regulation, the new legislation also took into account the established jurisprudence of the European Court of Human R...
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