Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: acces la justiţie

Dreptul neoliberal românesc: între mituri fundaţionale și realitatea precarităţii proprietăţii individuale în blocurile de locuinţe (Partea I)
02 01 2024
In this article, based on an examination of Romanian neoliberal reforms on ‘housing’, I debunk several posts 1989 myths related to private, individual property. In the senses famously articulated by David Harvey, I argue that the post 1989 Romanian radical neoliberal project in law (and economy) is at once a political practice and a utopia. At the utopian level, this project creates a fictional socialist era legal reality that it purports to c...
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Caracterul efectiv al accesului la justiţie în procesul civil prin prisma deciziilor Curţii Constituţionale
This study aims to analyze both theoretically and practically the effectiveness of access to justice in civil proceedings, in a real and non-illusory way, in the light of the case law of the Constitutional Court, and whenever appropriate, with references to European rules and case law. We first addressed the conditions of the effectiveness of access to justice in civil proceedings, then the real access to justice in the context of various jud...
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