Necesitatea adăugării unor noi ocupații în nomenclatorul COR: analistul în protecția datelor și expertul în protecția datelor
06 01 2022
Alongside with the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter GDPR), a new occupation appeared at the level of the European Union, namely the Data Protection Officer (DPO). Gradually, the member states of the European Union (in which the GDPR is fully applicable), have added the DPO occupation in their own dedicated nomenclatures. In Romania’s case, the DPO occupation was added to the Classification o...
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Expertiza criminalistică extrajudiciară ca mijloc de probă
01 01 2022
The article aims to clarify the controversy over whether extrajudicial forensic expertise represents evidence or not.
The beginning of the article deals with some general considerations on the notion of expertise, when and by whom it is ordered, and who can carry out the forensic expertise.
Then the results of a comparative study on the regulation of the expertise in criminal and civil law are presented, while demonstrating that...
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