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Consecințele lui „îmi place”: cauza Fashion ID, C-40/17, continuitate și noutate în interpretarea conceptului de operator în dreptul Uniunii Europene
The case of Fashion ID, C-40/17 refers to one of the tools made available to users, companies, which process personal data for social networks. The article emphasizes the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, of the interpretation of the rules of the European Union through the preliminary ruling. The conclusion is that between continuity and novelty in the interpretation of the concept of operator in European Union law, the C...
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O jurisdicție a internetului: aplicarea teritorială a prevederilor RGPD în contextul platformelor digitale
This article discusses the territorial application of the provisions of the GDPR in the context of digital platforms made available by organizations outside the Union through an analysis of relevant CJEU case law and EDPB recommendations. In the introduction we have shown the main criteria for establishing the territorial application of GDPR, in section 2 we have analyzed the notion of headquarters in the context of GDPR, and in sections 3 and...
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