Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: neconstituţionalitate

Decizia Curţii Constituţionale a Germaniei din 29 aprilie 2021 și rolul său în progresul dreptului climei
Considered to be the most important decision up to now of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in the field of environmental law, the decisions of April 29th, 2021, by which certain provisions of the law regarding climate protection of 2019 have been declared unconstitutional, is a continuation of the previous European precedents (especially the Dutch experience – the „Urgenda” case, and the French “Affaire du siècle”), enriches their m...
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Imprevizibilitatea, inadecvarea şi insuficienţa legislaţiei de urbanism şi implicaţiile lor – Pe marginea deciziei Curţii Constituţionale a României nr. 49/2020 privind (ne)constituţionalitatea prevederilor Legii nr. 350/2001 –
By Decision no. 49 of February 4th, 2020, of the Constitutional Court of Romania, finding the unconstitutionality of the dispositions of art. 32 par. 1 of Law no. 350/2001 regarding landscaping and urbanism [contrary to art. 1 par. 5 of the Constitution] and by the related considerations, a crucial moment has been marked in the existence of Romanian urban planning law. In a general appreciation, regarding both and on the first hand the contes...
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