Aspecte privind infracţiunea de nerespectare a hotărârilor judecătorești. Impactul reconfigurării laturii obiective a infracţiunii de abuz în serviciu asupra valorilor sociale
03 01 2021
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the crime of non-compliance with court decisions, on the one hand from the perspective of the requirements of the right to a fair trial that the suspect or defendant should benefit from, and on the other hand from the perspective of the legal consequences produced by the legislative construction represented by the provisions of art. 297 of the Criminal Code, as its objective side was reconfigured ...
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Potenţialitatea răspunderii penale în contextul normelor instituite de legiuitor pentru prevenirea răspândirii coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2, respectiv pentru combaterea efectelor negative care influenţează situaţia economică
02 01 2020
Primo, we intend to analyze the context of establishing the obligation regarding the submission of the self-declaration while undergoing the procedure of obtaining some facilities regulated by the legislature, by relating to the set of norms in force.
Secundo, we aim to make a short presentation of the notion of false statement, breach of trust by defrauding the creditors, and the failure to notify, limited by the purpose of this p...
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