Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: partide politice

Rolul partidelor politice într-un sistem democratic
The political parties have developed at a spectacular pace, managing in less than a century and a half since their appearance to spread throughout the entire world and to become indispensable political and legal institutions for the functioning of democratic regimes. Considered a „necessary evil”, today, political parties represent valuable tools available to the governors and, equally, a bond between them and the governed. This present article...
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Prelucrarea, de către partidele politice, a datelor cu caracter personal incluse în Registrul electoral
Especially in the electoral periods a question is being increasingly put forward. This question consists of whether, after the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation, the political parties would still have the opportunity to process personal data included in the Electoral Register, and, if met with an affirmative answer, then how do the special norms, included in the electoral legislation, impact the principles introduced b...
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