Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: prelucrare date cu caracter personal

Datele personale ale copiilor, autoritatea părintească și rețelele de socializare
Children are one of the most vulnerable categories of people in relation to social networks. The images – or other personal data of the children – distributed on these networks by one of the parents, but without the  consent of the other, can generate a conflict regarding the way of exercising the parental authority. On the contrary, when the publication of images or videos is done by another family member or by any other third pa...
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Limitele dreptului la viață privată în contextul educației digitale
Starting from the premise that the right to privacy is a fundamental element of our society, as well as of dignity and human freedom, the paper aims to analyse to what extent and by what means there may be limitations or violations of this fundamental right and how personal data may or must be processed in the context of digital education. The health crisis generated by the pandemic of Covid-19, imposed special measures in the educatio...
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