Reflecţii privind generalizarea competenţelor Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene (CJUE) în ceea ce privește spaţiul de libertate, securitate și justiţie
04 01 2024
Generalized by the Treaty of Lisbon, the powers of the Court of Justice of theEuropean Union in the field of freedom, security and justice are exercised within a legal and institutional framework that is nevertheless restricted. Thus said, in addition to the restrictions intended to preserve national sovereignty, the Court of Justice intervenes in a fragmented space on a territorial and material level. However, these complexity fa...
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Suveranitatea digitală a Europei – marea provocare europeană a deceniului: un nou cadru pentru accelerarea inovaţiei și a competitivităţii într-o superputere tehnologică
06 01 2023
The terrible War in Ukraine calls into question something that many have long regretted: Europe’s historical acceptance of a secondary role on the world geostrategic map. The fatal context only promoted the word sovereignty, which continued to gain prominence until it became perhaps the most cited word in any meeting about the future of the continent.
At first it seems clear that sovereignty comes from the people, but this questio...
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