Articole de la același autor Jurist Theodora-Georgiana NICOLĂESCU

Inteligenţa artificială și munca: care vor fi efectele IA asupra unei probleme sociale foarte importante, cum ar fi munca și angajarea? Cum va afecta IA locurile de muncă: câte locuri de muncă va înlocui IA până în 2030?
Artificial intelligence is seen today as the most innovative and promising arena for workplace and workforce management. It is true that when we talk about artificial intelligence and employment, both in conferences, in the media or in general public discussions, there are always two positions: it will eliminate millions of jobs, or it will free time from repetitive and tedious tasks, so that we can devote ourselves to much more creative and r...
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Suveranitatea digitală a Europei – marea provocare europeană a deceniului: un nou cadru pentru accelerarea inovaţiei și a competitivităţii într-o superputere tehnologică
The terrible War in Ukraine calls into question something that many have long regretted: Europe’s historical acceptance of a secondary role on the world geostrategic map. The fatal context only promoted the word sovereignty, which continued to gain prominence until it became perhaps the most cited word in any meeting about the future of the continent. At first it seems clear that sovereignty comes from the people, but this question needs...
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O „anatomie” complexă a Jurisprudenţei în drept. Particularităţi privind jurisprundenţa Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene (CJUE)
Legal theorists still have a difficult line to walk. Precisely, that this area of jurisprudence requires a deepening both from the point of view of theory and philosophy of law which, in turn, requires an acute understanding of how the legal system works and the reasoning that is in the study of all entities from within the system. Jurisprudence is normally accompanied by doctrine, understood as the activity of scientific study and intellectual...
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Dreptul de proprietate – Jurisprudenţa Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului prin Primul Protocol Adițional la Convenția pentru apărarea drepturilor omului şi a libertăților fundamentale, încheiat la Paris la 20 martie 1952
As a fundamental right, more precisely as a human right, property has always been affected by a certain ambiguity, both domestically and internationally, as to its meaning and nature. International law is marked by obvious nuances of concepts between states, even by frankly daring translations. This is the case with the concept of property. But after all, as long as systems are partitioned, what does it matter if everyone doesn’t p...
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Rolul judecătorului naţional în spaţiul judiciar european
The major judgments of the CJEU are, for the most part, judgments given following a preliminary ruling of a court of a Member State of the European Union. Each year, the Court of Justice issues approximately 400 preliminary rulings. The preliminary ruling mechanism is the instrument of cooperation between the courts of the twenty-seven EU Member States and the Court of Justice. It is based on a dialogue between the judges of EU law, who are al...
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