Articole de la același autor Av. Diana Flavia BARBUR

Diana Flavia BARBUR este avocat în Baroul Cluj.
Datele personale ale copiilor, autoritatea părintească și rețelele de socializare
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Children are one of the most vulnerable categories of people in relation to social networks. The images – or other personal data of the children – distributed on these networks by one of the parents, but without the  consent of the other, can generate a conflict regarding the way of exercising the parental authority. On the contrary, when the publication of images or videos is done by another family member or by any other third pa...
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Evoluţia relaţiilor personale dintre copil și părintele separat în practica judecătorească
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
After the entry into force of the new Civil Code, which replaced the notion of visiting program, provided by the old legislation, with a new notion, namely that of maintaining personal ties, there was a change of mentality in the judicial practice in the sense that the right of the parent separated from the child to have a personal relationship with the child means something more or something else than a simple visiting program: it...
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Exercitarea autorității părintești. O privire spre viitor
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
The present article aims to analyze the possibility for the courts to order that the parental authority be exercised by a single parent for a limited period of time or that certain attributes of the parental authority be entrusted exclusively to a parent. The article also includes a proposal of law author’s ferenda, regarding the need to expressly mention in the Civil Code the fact that, in certain situations, certain limitations of the...
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