Articole de la același autor Conf. univ. dr. Ana Alina IONESCU DUMITRACHE

Ana Alina IONESCU DUMITRACHE este conferențiar universitar doctor în cadrul Facultății de Drept, Universitatea Danubius din Galați.
Exercitarea abuzivă a „dreptului de acces la internet”, mijloc de săvârșire a unor infracţiuni contra persoanei. Analiza hărţuirii în mediul online
In this article, aspects related to the abusive exercise of the „right to access the Internet” are analyzed from the perspective of committing crimes that affect the mental freedom of the person. Thus, the offense of harassment is studied in the mitigating version, regulated by art. 208 paragraph. 2 C. pen., being brought to light a series of interesting aspects regarding the need to amend the criminal legislation in order to align the legal t...
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Securitatea datelor cu caracter personal. Analiza infracțiunii de divulgarea secretului profesional
Social reality, the diversity of social relations implies the inevitable interaction between individuals and situations that require the transmission of certain personal data, confidential, regarding the intimate, private life of the person, third parties, different categories of professionals. Thus, the exercise of certain professions or the fulfillment of certain functions allows access to certain information or personal data of the platform...
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Viaţa privată şi datele cu caracter personal. Consideraţii privind jurisprudenţa CEDO
In this scientific approach, is carried out a mirror analysis of two judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), of interest in the matter of the protection of the personal data of the employees: the case of Lopez Ribalda and others against Spain and the case of Bărbulescu against Romania, in order to capture the ECHR’s reasoning in pronouncing these different decisions in two similar situations in which the violation of art....
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