Articole de la același autor Lect. univ. dr. Nela MANOLE

Nela MANOLE este lector universitar doctor al Facultății de psihologie, științe comportamentale și juridice din cadrul Universității „Andrei Șaguna” din Constanța.
Aspecte teoretice și juridice privind victima, persoană fizică sau juridică, prin prisma legislaţiei penale și procesual-penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The article is a plea for the individualization of a distinct legal science, victimology, especially in the current social context when the interest and concerns regarding the victim issue, the short-term and long-term impact that the criminal act has on it, have increased. The delimitation of victimology from criminology as an independent science, with a specific object of study, functions, appropriate analysis methods and techniques ...
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Unele aspecte doctrinare privind terorismul și criminalitatea organizată analizate și incriminate în legislaţia naţională și internaţională
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The first part of the analysis focuses on the concept of „terrorism” and „organized crime” as seen through a series of international documents, works and governmental institutions dedicated to the prevention and fighting of terrorism. Next, the national and international juridical frameworks which incriminate terrorism and organized crime are being presented and studied. In the end, the work shows the contribution of forensics as...
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Unele reflecții de ordin teoretic și juridic asupra corupției, fenomen considerat în ultimii ani „flagel” al lumii contemporane
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The phenomenon of corruption represents an important study object for most of law specialists, theoreticians, or practitioners, as it is a real calamity that worries nowadays both governments and the public opinion throughout the world. The corruption manifests itself on economic, administrative, legal and political field in any society, as it is an abuse of authority and power, and use of public function for private interests by breach...
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