Articole de la același autor Conf. univ. dr. Andreea TABACU

Andreea TABACU este judecător, Curtea de apel Pitești și conferențiar universitar doctor în cadrul Universității din Pitești.
Probe noi în căile de atac, în lumina deciziei de recurs în interesul Legii nr. 9/2020
Numărul 4 Anul 2020
The admissibility of evidence in appeals is regulated differently according to the judicial control exercised in the first or second appeal, each of them being characterized by separate features and rules, the essential difference being given by the recognition or not of the devolutive character. The recent RIL decision no. 9/2020 of the supreme court clarifies the notion of new evidence and its admissibility in the appeal, which gives rise he...
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Revizuirea pentru hotărâri definitive potrivnice, după modificarea Codului de procedură civilă prin Legea nr. 310/2018
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
The regulation in the Civil Procedure Code regarding the solution that the court can pronounce in case of review for contrary decisions was modified by Law no. 310/2018 in order to harmonize it with art. 509(1)(8) of the Civil Procedure Code which refers to res judicata, without distinguishing between its negative and its positive effect. ...
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