Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: ajutor public judiciar

Caracterul efectiv al accesului la justiţie în procesul civil prin prisma deciziilor Curţii Constituţionale
This study aims to analyze both theoretically and practically the effectiveness of access to justice in civil proceedings, in a real and non-illusory way, in the light of the case law of the Constitutional Court, and whenever appropriate, with references to European rules and case law. We first addressed the conditions of the effectiveness of access to justice in civil proceedings, then the real access to justice in the context of various jud...
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Consideraţii teoretice și practice privind formele ajutorului public judiciar
Public judicial assistance in civil matters is a support mechanism granted by the state to natural persons who are or will be party to litigation in Romanian courts or other Romanian authorities with jurisdictional powers as a means to enable all litigants to have effective access to justice. The legislature intended to regulate the institution of public judicial assistance in civil matters as a genuine form of state assistance to ensur...
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