Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: copil

Aspecte cu privire la excepţia de la principiul privind vârsta minimă pentru încheierea căsătoriei în sistemul de drept român
The idea of the study started from the fact that the exception to the principle regarding the matrimonial age concerns the marriage of a natural person who, in the Romanian legal system, has the legal status of a child, a status that entails the corresponding incidence of both the legal provisions that enshrine this exception and those regarding the protection and promotion of children’s rights. From the second category, we mainly consider th...
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Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of egulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach is ...
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Privire critică asupra cazurilor în care poate fi instituită tutela copilului conform art. 110 din actualul Cod civil
The idea of a study on this topic was inspired by the fact that in the specialized papers the analysis of the cases in which the guardianship of the child is required is usually summarized in the reproduction of the provisions of art 110 Civil Code. I consider that avoiding a thorough, systematic and systematic analysis of the provisions of art 110 Civil Code. It is impossible to establish the possible connections that exist or, better said, t...
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Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of regulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach ...
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