Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: executare silită

Prescripția dreptului de a cere executarea silită în cazul atragerii răspunderii membrilor organelor de conducere, în materia insolvenței prin raportare la Codul civil
In order to issue a preliminary decision to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, it was referred under the provisions of art. 519 of the Civil Procedure Code, regarding the following legal issues: „The provisions of art. 138 para. (1) and art. 139 of Law no. 85/2006 on the insolvency procedure, with subsequent amendments and additions, related to the provisions of art. 25, art. 26, art. 220 para. (10) and Article 215 of Law No. 207/2015 on ...
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Inadmisibilitatea acţiunii în întoarcerea executării silite îndreptate împotriva creditorului popritor pe motivul desfiinţării titlului executoriu din dosarul în care a validat poprirea, în condiţiile existenţei unei hotărâri irevocabile de validare a popririi
This commentary seeks to highlight a number of issues related to the impossibility of requesting the de jure abolition of an attachment and the restitution of the retained amounts through a future action, provided that there is a final (in this case irrevocable) decision to validate the attachment, not abolished by the specific means of appeal, a decision that constituted the enforceable title of the third party who executed the amount subject...
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