Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: Internet

Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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Metaversul, între Privacy by design și riscuri infinite
Introduced as the successor of the mobile internet, the metaverse is aiming to be the global network of interconnected devices, characterized by advanced permeability of the delimitation between physical and digital realities (people, spaces and things in physical reality are recreated in digital realities), able to offer immersive and vivid experiences, based on connectivity and interoperability, technically made through computers, smartphon...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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