Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: judecător

Este incompatibil judecătorul în cauzele în care una dintre părţi este reprezentată de avocatul e care îl reprezintă chiar pe judecător în alte cauze?
The article discusses the special case of a possible incompatibility of the judge in litigations where one of the parties is represented by the lawyer who represents the judge himself/herself in other cases. After analyzing the specific regulations as well as the national and European case law, the author considers that the representation of the judge in other cases by the lawyer of either party is not likely, by itself, to reasona...
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Rolul judecătorului naţional în spaţiul judiciar european
The major judgments of the CJEU are, for the most part, judgments given following a preliminary ruling of a court of a Member State of the European Union. Each year, the Court of Justice issues approximately 400 preliminary rulings. The preliminary ruling mechanism is the instrument of cooperation between the courts of the twenty-seven EU Member States and the Court of Justice. It is based on a dialogue between the judges of EU law, who are al...
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