Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: juridic

Unele reflecții de ordin teoretic și juridic asupra corupției, fenomen considerat în ultimii ani „flagel” al lumii contemporane
The phenomenon of corruption represents an important study object for most of law specialists, theoreticians, or practitioners, as it is a real calamity that worries nowadays both governments and the public opinion throughout the world. The corruption manifests itself on economic, administrative, legal and political field in any society, as it is an abuse of authority and power, and use of public function for private interests by breach...
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Metode juridice de cercetare în administraţie
04 01 2020
Applied research and the use of legal research methods in the field of public administration is particularly valuable, even if it is and represents the attribute of bodies with jurisdictional activity. The analysis of public policies and the evaluation of programs and projects in the field of public administration are still new issues, and the reluctance and lack of interest of those in charge of administration, lead as we have noticed...
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