Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: practică neunitară

Despre vulnerabilități și îndoieli plauzibile privind încetarea efectelor deciziilor Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în interesul legii sau pentru dezlegarea chestiunilor de drept
The article debates the issue regarding the termination of the effects of the decisions pronounced by the High Court in the interest of the law or with regard to points of law, especially when they are no longer relevant due to the legislative changes which occurred later and which can generate ambiguous interpretations. In order to ensure a consistent practice, the author believes that it would be necessary to establish a legal text enshrinin...
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Ignorarea precedentului judiciar – încălcare a dreptului la un proces echitabil și motiv de sesizare a Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului?
In the system of continental law, the ordinary case law does not constitute a source of law, so that the meaning of a rule can be clarified in this way, because in such a case the judge would become a legislator, according to the constitutional dispute court. The complexity of certain cases can sometimes lead to different applications of the law in the practice of the courts. The article draws attention to the intolerable degree of entropy of ...
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