Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: protecţie

Protecţia finanţărilor intermediare în context de restructurare
04 01 2023
This article examines the concept of privilege introduced in the Insolvency Law through legislative changes brought about by Law No. 216/2022 in the context of implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 June 2019 on preventive restructuring frameworks and its relevant impact on new financiers and intermediaries in restructuring and preventive composition proceedings. Among other things, these l...
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Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of egulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach is ...
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Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of regulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach ...
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