Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: restitutio in integrum

Daune-interese moratorii și daune compensatorii în contextul întoarcerii executării silite
The court’s disposition to return the forced execution, following the abolition of the enforceable title or the enforcement itself, leads to the creation of a new paradigm, in which the creditor of the forced execution, whose patrimony has increased, becomes the debtor of the obligation of restitution, to the debtor of the forced execution, who becomes – in turn – the creditor of the restitution obligation. The natural consequence o...
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Revizuirea hotărârii civile ca urmare a unei soluționări amiabile – inclusiv în ipoteza unei declarații unilaterale – survenite la Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului. Argumente de lege ferenda
The article discusses the issue of reviewing civil judgments following an amicable settlement, including the case of a unilateral declaration at the European Court of Human Rights, given that there is a clear difference between the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code and those of the Civil Procedure Code in the sense that, while the criminal procedure expressly provides for the possibility of review even in case of an amicable settlemen...
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