Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: sancţiuni

Despre obligaţia societăţilor constituite potrivit Legii nr. 31/1990 de a respecta regimul protecţiei datelor
The general data protection regulation is the culmination of much tougher legislation in this area. Most of the companies established according to Law no. 31/1990 does not have to take special measures to comply with this legislation, but all companies must be diligent in their dealings with data subjects and the national supervisory authority. More needs to be done to raise awareness of the obligations in this area, involving authorities, non...
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Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal în activitatea executorilor judecătoreşti. Când devin urgenţa, alerta şi pandemia catalizatori ai încălcării reglementărilor privind datele?
The forced digitization of any activity, which takes place through the Internet, has brought not only the possibility of continuing the activity in the light of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic but also the addition of risks for controllers. Most risks relate to the security of the processing of personal data, the encrypted transfer of data, the use of legal grounds for specific purposes as well as the confidentiality and integrity of ...
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