Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: trimitere preliminară

Consecințele lui „îmi place”: cauza Fashion ID, C-40/17, continuitate și noutate în interpretarea conceptului de operator în dreptul Uniunii Europene
The case of Fashion ID, C-40/17 refers to one of the tools made available to users, companies, which process personal data for social networks. The article emphasizes the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, of the interpretation of the rules of the European Union through the preliminary ruling. The conclusion is that between continuity and novelty in the interpretation of the concept of operator in European Union law, the C...
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Observaţii critice asupra delimitării unor prelucrări de date cu caracter personal realizate de către autorităţile poliţieneşti în domeniul contravenţional în temeiul a două acte europene, Regulamentul General privind Protecţia Datelor şi Directiva nr. 680/2016, precum şi a actelor corespondente elaborate de legiuitorul român
The present study aims to provide some clarification on the processing of personal data by police officers in the context of witnessing violations of traffic on public roads. Specifically, it is necessary to delimit between the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR), on the one hand, and Directive 2016/680 on the other hand, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data ...
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