Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: tutore

Răspunderea pentru fapta persoanei care beneficiază de consiliere judiciară sau tutelă specială în lumina dispoziţiilor Legii nr. 140/2022
Article 1372 of the Civil Code, as amended by the provisions of art. 7 point 67 of Law no. 140/2022, enshrines with principle value the establishment of an objective liability, independent of any form of guilt of the perpetrator, of the guardian who supervises the persons protected by judicial counseling or special guardianship. Through their behavior, often spontaneous, surprising, these categories of people represent a particular soci...
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Contribuţii la studiul dispoziţiilor legale referitoare la interzicerea căsătoriei între tutore și persoana aflată sub ocrotirea sa, precum și la cele privind opoziţia la căsătoria persoanei care beneficiază de consiliere judiciară sau tutelă specială
Law no. 140/2022 brought important news regarding some conditions for the valid conclusion of marriage. In accordance with its name, the study is devoted to the analysis of the legal provisions regarding the prohibition of marriage between the guardian and the person protected by him, as well as those regarding the oppositionto the marriage of the natural person who benefits from judicial counseling or special guardianship. In orde...
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