Metode juridice de cercetare în administraţie
Numărul 4 Anul 2020
Applied research and the use of legal research methods in the field of public administration is particularly valuable, even if it is and represents the attribute of bodies with jurisdictional activity.
The analysis of public policies and the evaluation of programs and projects in the field of public administration are still new issues, and the reluctance and lack of interest of those in charge of administration, lead as we have ...
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Scurte consideraţii asupra Legii nr. 273/2004 privind regimul juridic și procedura adopţiei. De lege lata și de lege ferenda
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
The article analyzes the conditions imposed by Law no. 273/2004 on the legal regime and procedure of adoption, in the case of internal adoption. In this context, de lege ferenda proposals are made for the abolition of excessive formalism, rigid and outdated conditions, long time limits, which are likely to remove the effects for which the law was created.
The author insists on the urgent need of fundamental social importance for ...
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Lipsa din dispozitivul hotărârii a unor menţiuni cuprinse în minută. Nelegalitatea aplicării sancţiunii nulităţii hotărârii de către instanţa de control judiciar
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
Omission of the judgment judicial provisions that are found in minute is not likely to attract annul the award, but may be directed towards a conclusion further data under art. 281 C. pr. civ. So canceling the sentence appealed and sending the case back because on the sentence is not identical to the minutes because the device is not found solution ordered by the trial court on the objection of lack material and the severance of claims, ...
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