Articole de la același autor Lect. univ. dr. Carolina Maria NIȚĂ

Carolina Maria NIŢĂ este Lector Universitar la Facultatea de Drept – Universitatea “Titu Maiorescu” Bucureşti, Catedra de Drept Internaţional Privat.

Este avocat şi acordă consultanţă şi reprezentare juridică în probleme de drept internaţional privat, dreptul afacerilor, drept societar, insolvenţă, dreptul familiei, drept contencios administrativ şi fiscal, dreptul mediului etc.

Legea aplicabilă regimului matrimonial al soţilor în cadrul căsătoriilor cu element transfrontalier
The national legislation in the field of family relations with cross-border implications faces a notable complexity when it comes to complying with European standards. The effectiveness of such harmonization is limited by cultural and national specifics, with deep roots in secular traditions, which brings to the fore a context reluctant to transformation. Consequently, the personal relations between spouses have not yet reached a perfect synchr...
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Considerații teoretice privind retrimiterea în dreptul internațional privat
In private international law, renvoi (‘send back’) is the legal mechanism according to which the judge adjudicating in a litigation in which the Romanian law refers the case to a foreign law – in the application of the internal law of the foreign state – must also take into account the rules of private international law of this state, rules which, in the game of the conflict mechanism, can refer to Romanian law or even to the legal...
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Legea aplicabilă contractului individual de muncă cu element extraneitate
Like any contract, the individual employment contract can be related to different legal systems which give rise to a conflict of laws. The connection with a foreign legal system can derive from the most disparate elements characterizing the contract: the citizenship or regular residence of the parties, the place where the contract was concluded or was performed in whole or in part, the headquarters of the employing company or even, simply, th...
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Consecinţele pandemiei generate de coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2 în raporturile contractuale
Among the most debated legal issues at both national and international level, in the current period, we find the effects on contractual relations, generated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and by the measures ordered by the public authorities to limit the effects of the virus on human health, measures which had to leave the economy in the background. In matters of performing contractual relations, in progress at the time of the emergence of the pan...
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Conflictul de jurisdicții și conflictul de legi în materie de divorț, autoritate părintească și obligații de întreținere minor (Caz practic: U.S.A. și România)
The exponential growth in recent years of marriages or de facto unions between citizens from different countries or citizens having their regular residence in countries other than their country of origin, has inevitably led to a significant increase in trials concerning juvenile and family matters, characterized by the presence of one or more foreign elements. In this context, the national judicial authorities often face complex situations inv...
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Fond funciar. Dovedirea calităţii de persoană îndreptăţită la reconstituire. Proba calităţii de moştenitor. Forţa probantă a certificatului de calitate de moştenitor. Efectul pozitiv al autorităţii de lucru judecat
This article aims to provide arguments for several legal issues, starting from criticizing a recent erroneous jurisprudential solution, recalling, in essence, the fact that under the special laws of remedy in the field of property, the legislature instituted cases of reinstatement ope legis within the term of accepting the succession of the authors (former owners of the property whose restitution is requested), by the request/notification of re...
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Reflecţii asupra Propunerii de Directivă a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului privind standardele comune minime de procedură civilă în Uniunea Europeană. Aspecte comparative cu dreptul intern
This study aims, on the one hand, to give an overview of the rules of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common minimum standards of civil procedure in the European Union, and, on the other hand, to make a comparison of these rules with the internal ones. The observance of the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, are desiderata that can be achieved by “setting minimum standards for the in...
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