Articole de la același autor Dr. Marius PETROIU

Marius PETROIU este avocat în Baroul Bucureşti şi consilier în proprietate industrială, secţiunea mărci.
Rolul instanţelor de judecată în „arbitrarea” conflictelor colective de muncă
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
The commencement of a warning strike, or a strike itself, in each case requires the adoption of a decision to that effect, by the representative union organizing the strike, with the written consent of at least half of its members, or, if such a union does not exist, by the employees involved in starting the strike, with the written agreement of at least a quarter of the total number of employees of the employing company. ...
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Codul muncii interpretat de către Înalta Curte de Casaţie și Justiţie, prin intermediul recursului în interesul legii
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Since its adoption in 2003 to the present, Law no. 53/2003 on the Labour Code has not benefited from any application rules. However, a number of decisions pronounced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) concerning several provisions of the Labour Code, aimed at adjudicating on appeals in the interest of the law, or at giving preliminary rulings on points of law, have been, and continue to represent, a form of concrete interp...
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Încetarea contractului de muncă prin acordul părţilor, în România și ţări din Uniunea Europeană. O abordare comparată, pentru o propunere de lege ferenda la reglementarea actuală
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
From a legal point of view, the access of an employer or an employee to the  Romanian labour market is regulated by the Labour Code. Since its adoption in 2003, when it replaced the old communist regulation of labour relations, to the present, in spite of the evolution of society and technology, which implied an accelerated sense of employment relations characterized by the wish of both employers and employees to be able to conclude and termi...
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