Articole de la același autor Drd. Adina Maria Alexandra POPESCU

Adina Maria Alexandra POPESCU este doctorand la Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea „Titu Maiorescu” din București şi avocat, Baroul București.
Punerea în mișcare a acţiunii penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The criminal trial represents the activity through which the facts that constitute crimes are ascertained in a timely and concrete manner, thus making it possible to establish the criminal liability of the guilty person on a procedural path that includes the criminal investigation, the preliminary chamber, the trial and the execution of the criminal court decisions. Each procedural stage regulates a distinct phase of examining or solvin...
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Punerea în mișcare a acțiunii penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The criminal trial represents the activity through which the facts that constitute crimes are ascertained in a timely and concrete manner, thus making it possible to establish the criminal liability of the guilty person on a procedural path that includes the criminal investigation, the preliminary chamber, the trial and the execution of the criminal court decisions. Each procedural stage regulates a distinct phase of examining or solving the p...
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Infracţiunile incriminate în cuprinsul Ordonanţei nr. 43/2000 privind protecţia patrimoniului arheologic și declararea unor situri arheologice ca zone de interes naţional
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
In this study, we will analyse the offences incriminated in the Government Ordinance no. 43/2000 on the protection of archaeological heritage and the declaration of archaeological sites as areas of national interest. Given the increase in the number of offences on the archaeological heritage, as well as the limited knowledge of the legislation in question, we consider it useful to analyse the constituent elements of those of...
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Considerații cu privire la instituția renunțării la aplicarea pedepsei
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
In this study, the authors intend to analyze a new institution of Romanian criminal law, namely the waiver of penalty. They also examine various situations that have occurred in practice regarding the application of other criminal law institutions when ordering solutions to waive the penalty, various legislative inconsistencies that make it difficult to apply important legal provisions. Last but not least, we will propose de lege ferenda solut...
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