Consideraţii asupra instanţei competente să soluţioneze apelul cererilor împotriva hotărârilor pronunţate în cereri privind procedura executării silite, atunci când titlul executoriu este emis în contextul „exploatării unei întreprinderi”
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
The opinions presented in the article were the point of view of the authors submitted to the High Court of Cassation and Justice on the legal issue regarding the interpretation and application of art. 226 of Law no. 71/2011, as relating to art. 95(2) of the Civil Procedure Code on establishing the procedural material jurisdiction of the specialized tribunals (Argeş, Cluj, Mureş) in deciding on appeals in the enforcement procedure, namely...
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Instanţa de executare competentă pentru soluţionarea contestaţiei la executare și a oricăror incidente grefate pe cererea de executare rămâne instanţa care a încuviinţat executarea silită, indiferent de modificarea domiciliului debitorului. Noţiunea de „domiciliu” în sens procesual
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
This study has as a starting point an erroneous solution repeatedly encountered in the judicial practice, in relation to the same enforcement file, a solution materialized in unlawful declines of territorial jurisdiction toward a court other than the one within the territorial jurisdiction of which the debtor is domiciled at the time of the enforcement request, a court that granted enforcement, while ignoring the rules of territorial ju...
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