Articole de la același autor Silviu-Dorin ȘCHIOPU

Silviu-Dorin ȘCHIOPU este doctorand, asistent universitar în cadrul Universitații Transilvania din Brașov, cercetător invitat la Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research (MICHR), Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.
Consideraţii asupra dispoziţiilor privind măsura detenţiei de ordin medical social a persoanelor infectate cu SARS-CoV-2 în lumina Deciziei Curţii Constituţionale nr. 751 din 20 octombrie 2020
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
Soon after the end of the state of emergency determined by the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, the Constitutional Court ruled on the provisions that would have allowed the Minister of Health to impose the involuntary hospitalization in the case of persons infected with SARS-CoV-2. The declaration of unconstitutionality of article 25 (2) the second thesis of Law no. 95/2006 on health care reform led to the enactment of the Law no. 136 of 16 July 2...
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Scurte consideraţii asupra art. 294 alin. (5^1) din Legea nr. 1/2011 a educaţiei naţionale
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Last year the Romania Law on National Education was updated by the Government Ordinance no. 9/2018 on the amendment and completion of normative acts in the field of education. The additions include the provision that the fixed-term employment contract between a university and an assistant lecturer – concluded on the basis of a competition, in which the employment standards specific to the position were met – is transformed into an employment ...
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Perspective ale dreptului la uitare digitală (dreptul la înlăturare): concluziile Avocatului general în Cauza G. C. și alţii (C-136/17)
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
Information technology changed the way we relate to information as any data posted on the Internet can remain accessible indefinitely. On the one hand this ease of access undoubtedly improved the business environment, but on the other hand the fundamental right to privacy of natural persons seems to be under threat in the absence of adequate legal mechanisms that should ensure that their past will not haunt them ad vitam aeternam. Last year, t...
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