Articole de la același autor Lect. univ. dr. Camelia SPASICI

Camelia SPASICI este lector universitar doctor pe disciplinele Contracte civile şi comerciale, Drept Administrativ și Drept civil în cadrul Universității din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Administraţie şi Afaceri.
Încetarea contractului prin denunţare unilaterală: regulă sau excepţie?
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
The contract is the law of the parties. Thus, validly concluded, the contract has the force of law for the parties and therefore, in principle, cannot be terminated by the will of a certain party. The termination of the contract by unilateral termination is, however, one of the ways to terminate it, provided by the Civil Code. The paper proposes a brief analysis to answer the question: is unilateral termination a rule or is it an...
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Exercitarea dreptului de preempţiune la vânzarea terenurilor agricole, în dispoziţiile legilor speciale
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
The right of preemption in the sale of a good is, as a rule, regulated by law. The main issue of theoretical and practical interest, which is limited to the institution of the right of preemption, is its exercise by its holders. The exercise of the right of preemption in the sale of a good is regulated differently in the provisions of the Civil Code, compared to those contained in the special laws. In the above context, th...
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Cadrul juridic general al dreptului de preemțiune la vânzare, reglementat de Codul civil
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
In general, the institution of the „right of preemption” is understood as a faculty enjoyed by a person, to be preferred to any other person, when buying a certain good. Strictly legal, the right of preemption is a subjective civil, legal or conventional right, which gives preference to some persons, holders of the right, to buy a good, at an equal price, when its owner sells it. In short, the right of preemption manifests itself as a legal m...
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Particularităţile contractului de asigurare obligatorie pentru răspundere civilă auto
Numărul 2 Anul 2019
The paper aims to present the main features of compulsory insurance, in the context of new legislative regulations. Law no. 132/2017 on compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of damage to third parties by means of vehicle and tramway accidents (published in OJ No. 431/2017) establishes the persons required to conclude MTPL contracts and the exceptions to this obligation, the territorial application limits, the liabi...
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