Articole din categoria: Anul 2021

De legibus, consuetudinibus et cætera într-un concert normativ și comparativ
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The article deals with the phenomenon of legislative inflation, which, paradoxically, has the effect of impoverishing the law. The author notes the tendency of the laws to become self-sufficient, the excessive regulatory process reducing the possibility for the lawyer to resort to the force of legal logic, especially in the context of the frequent changes in legislation and the repeated use of repeal. ...
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Despre legislaţia românească, cu simpatie
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The article emphasizes the characteristics of the post-89 legislative process, and especially the role of the Constitution in the national law system: is the Constitution part of the legislative system? Can judges apply the Constitution in the litigations they decide on? Can the Constitution be the only legal basis for a judgment? The author proposes a change of perspective: instead of defining legislation as the positive law of a coun...
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Procesul de legiferare în era digitală
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The article analyzes the influence of the development of digital services and technologies on the legislative process. Technological developments cannot be ignored by the legal system or the legislative powers of states, and sooner or later parliaments and governments will need to provide the citizen with the opportunity to understand and participate in the legislative process, while eliminating complicated procedures. The author emphasizes t...
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