Modificările aduse Codului penal și Codului de procedură penală prin Legile nr. 217/2020, nr. 28/2020, nr. 233/2020, nr. 274/2020. Trecerea acestora în revistă, scopul modifi cărilor și efectele preconizate
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
In the last quarter of 2020, the legislature decided to make amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, by four laws, i.e. no. 217/2020, no. 228/2020, no. 233/2020, no. 274/2020. In this study, the author aims to make an overview of these changes and the reasons underlying their implementation.
Following the analysis of the explanatory memorandum that accompanied each amending law, of some statistical dat...
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Parlamentul, unica autoritate legiuitoare a ţării – adevăr sau mit?
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The final part of art. 61 para. (1) of the Romanian Constitution consecrates the role of the Parliament as sole legislative authority of the state. The legal doctrine considers the legislative delegation granted to the Government and to the President a genuine exception to the aforementioned rule, but are there any cases in which the feature of the Parliament of unique legislative authority of the state may be doubted? This article aims...
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De legibus, consuetudinibus et cætera într-un concert normativ și comparativ
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The article deals with the phenomenon of legislative inflation, which, paradoxically, has the effect of impoverishing the law. The author notes the tendency of the laws to become self-sufficient, the excessive regulatory process reducing the possibility for the lawyer to resort to the force of legal logic, especially in the context of the frequent changes in legislation and the repeated use of repeal.
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