Articole din categoria: Anul 2022

Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of egulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach is ...
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Insuficienţa actualului cadru normativ privind instituţia opiniei concurente
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The study analyzes the notions of separate opinion and concurring opinion and how the current legislation regulates them. The author proposes, de lege ferenda, the express recognition of the opinions that the judge adds to the decision in order to dissociate himself/herself from certain inappropriate expressions to which the majority resorted. ...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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Între drepturile omului și economia digitală
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
International investment in services using public communications networks or the Internet as a means of delivery is undergoing a stage of analysis and reform to better match the positive and constructive balance between respect for human rights and national security requirements. and communications (ICT) have developed rapidly on the same wave of digitalization. States invest and/or receive investment in ICT to support their growth and develop...
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În loc de introducere. De ce am considerat utilă scrierea acestui material?
The article analyzes the situation of the entry into force of Law no. 173/2022 for the adoption of measures necessary for the implementation of Protocol no. 16 to the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted in Strasbourg on 2 October 2013 and signed by Romania in Strasbourg on 14 October 2014, in the context in which art. 8 of the Protocol indicates a date that can be determined according to certain criter...
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Noile reglementări privind constituirea și funcţionarea comisiilor paritare și încheierea acordurilor colective în cadrul autorităţilor și instituţiilor publice – perspectivă critică
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The representation of the interests of employees within the framework of legal employment relations also has a correspondent in the field of organized special relations, in connection with the provision of work, at the level of state authorities, respectively for the labour relations of different categories of civil servants, with general statutes or with special statutes or with specific functions. This concept is adapted to the specifics of ...
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Principiile dreptului. Posibilitatea și utilitatea filosofiei dreptului
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
Any scientific intercession that has as objective, the understanding of the significances of the „principle of law” needs to have an interdisciplinary character, the basis for the approach being the philosophy of the law. In this study we fulfill such an analysis with the purpose to underline the multiple theoretical significances due to this concept, but also the relationship between the juridical principles and norms, respectively the normat...
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Editorial – Dialogul jurisprudenţă-doctrină şi necunoscutele sale
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
Survenită în atmosfera tensionată generată pe fundalul unor atitudini contradictorii în dialogul jurisdicţiilor, prevestitoare, după unii, de criză profundă în sfera “statului de drept” la nivel unional-european, aniversarea a trei decenii de la constituirea şi de funcţionarea Curţii Constituţionale a României (CCR) (1992-2022) reprezintă prilejul, deopotrivă, al unui bilanţ al evoluţiilor de până acum, de reflecţie asupra rolului său în garantarea ordinii legale şi a mijloacelor cuvenite de asigurare a îndeplinirii lui şi, nu în ultimul rând, de prezenţă în proiectul privind evoluţia ...
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Este incompatibil judecătorul în cauzele în care una dintre părţi este reprezentată de avocatul e care îl reprezintă chiar pe judecător în alte cauze?
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The article discusses the special case of a possible incompatibility of the judge in litigations where one of the parties is represented by the lawyer who represents the judge himself/herself in other cases. After analyzing the specific regulations as well as the national and European case law, the author considers that the representation of the judge in other cases by the lawyer of either party is not likely, by itself, to reasona...
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Justiţia restaurativă în România – de la necesitatea implementării unui mod de soluţionare alternativă a litigiilor la timiditatea constantă a legiuitorului
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
If until the adoption of the 1991 Constitution there were several normative acts in force that prevented free access to justice, the entry into force of a new fundamental law led to their repeal, the national legislator sometimes intervening in the absence of an impact study, only in consideration of the need to respect the principles guaranteed at the constitutional level. At this stage of development of national legislation, all those...
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