Articole din categoria: Anul 2024

Exercitarea abuzivă a „dreptului de acces la internet”, mijloc de săvârșire a unor infracţiuni contra persoanei. Analiza hărţuirii în mediul online
In this article, aspects related to the abusive exercise of the „right to access the Internet” are analyzed from the perspective of committing crimes that affect the mental freedom of the person. Thus, the offense of harassment is studied in the mitigating version, regulated by art. 208 paragraph. 2 C. pen., being brought to light a series of interesting aspects regarding the need to amend the criminal legislation in order to align the legal t...
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Clarificări privind fondul funciar, Politica Agricolă Comună, reconstituirea proprietăţii funciare private
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The successive reforms that determined an extensive reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, hereinafter referred to as the CAP, at the level of both Romania and the member states of the European Union (EU) were correlated with the newenvironmental requirements, and not only with regard to productivity.Thus, the rethinking of the Common Agricultural Policy reconsidered part ofthe development efforts in the sphere of the impac...
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Aspecte teoretice și jurisprudenţiale referitoare la liberarea condiţionată
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The issues on parole release have always been in the legislator attention, on the one hand, and the judicial bodies, on the other hand, in order for them to find an equilibrium between the legal institution originated in no less than three legislative documents and the legal consequences which the parole release produces. From a theoretical point of view, this institution has for a long time ago been analysed by the doctrine in criminal matte...
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Punerea în mișcare a acţiunii penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The criminal trial represents the activity through which the facts that constitute crimes are ascertained in a timely and concrete manner, thus making it possible to establish the criminal liability of the guilty person on a procedural path that includes the criminal investigation, the preliminary chamber, the trial and the execution of the criminal court decisions. Each procedural stage regulates a distinct phase of examining or solvin...
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Aspecte teoretice și juridice privind victima, persoană fizică sau juridică, prin prisma legislaţiei penale și procesual-penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The article is a plea for the individualization of a distinct legal science, victimology, especially in the current social context when the interest and concerns regarding the victim issue, the short-term and long-term impact that the criminal act has on it, have increased. The delimitation of victimology from criminology as an independent science, with a specific object of study, functions, appropriate analysis methods and techniques ...
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The concerns about the fitness for purpose of the present British constitutional arrangement are exaggerated
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The concerns about the fitness for purpose of the present British constitutional arrangements are exaggerated. The leadership shown by the courts, especially the UK Supreme Court, shows that a written constitution is not needed. Governmental action is always subject to review in the courts and whatever strategy a government may choose for the purpose of avoiding fundamental rights or other basic constitutional principles, the courts always hav...
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Observatorul Dreptului Inteligenței Artificiale (ODIA)
Editoriale Anul 2024
Sub această denumire vă punem la dispoziție, în mod permanent, ultimele evoluții aferente ecuației interdependențelor dintre fenomenul inteligenței artificiale și a aplicațiilor sale și, respectiv, dezvoltările juridice aferente. Din surse demne de încredere și cu contribuțiile și consultarea celor mai reputați specialiști în materie ne propunem să decriptăm provocările juridice specifice și să explicăm implicațiile juridice concrete ale IA în cadrul a două rubrici (orientări) lunare definitorii: Evoluții conceptual-reglementare;  Dileme concrete și dezbateri c...
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