Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: cadru legislativ

Antinomie legislativă – Precizări privind competenţa materială de soluţionare a litigiilor privind executarea contractelor de achiziţie publică
Ensuring a legal framework necessary to purchase goods, services and works in conditions of economic and social efficiency based on principles of good practice has seen a continuous debate from the regulation of the way of public procurement, the procedures for awarding public procurement contracts and organization of solution contests, the specific tools and techniques that can be used for awarding public procurement contracts, as well as ce...
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Insuficienţa actualului cadru normativ privind instituţia opiniei concurente
The study analyzes the notions of separate opinion and concurring opinion and how the current legislation regulates them. The author proposes, de lege ferenda, the express recognition of the opinions that the judge adds to the decision in order to dissociate himself/herself from certain inappropriate expressions to which the majority resorted. ...
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Insuficienţa actualului cadru normativ privind instituţia opiniei concurente
The study analyzes the notions of separate opinion and concurring opinion and how the current legislation regulates them. The author proposes, de lege ferenda, the express recognition of the opinions that the judge adds to the decision in order to dissociate himself/herself from certain inappropriate expressions to which the majority resorted. ...
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