Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: cheltuieli de judecată

Controlul de constituționalitate al prevederilor legale referitoare la acordarea de despăgubiri persoanelor achitate
The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly provides only for damages in case of miscarriage of justice and in the case of illegal deprivation of liberty. The judicial error is limited to the situations in which, after the final conviction, the case was re-judged and an acquittal was pronounced. No explicit reference is made to the situations in which the criminal action was initiated ex officio and successive acquittals or other non-prosecution so...
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Un mijloc legal, adesea neglijat ori subestimat, de diminuare a procesualității la atribuirea contractelor de achiziție publică – cererea autorității contractante de obligare a contestatorului/petentului la plata cheltuielilor de soluționare a contestației/plângerii
The article discusses the issue of court costs in administrative law disputes regarding the awarding of public procurement contracts, highlighting the fact that the contracting authorities have at hand not only the right, but also the obligation to recover, from the opposing party that loses totally or partially in the trial, the expenses incurred during the proceedings, both before the Council and before the courts. The author’s s...
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Un subiect devenit supărător – acordarea cheltuielilor de judecată intervenienţilor accesorii
The article discusses the possibility for the third party to recover his own legal costs from the losing party, in the case of admissible accessory requests for voluntary intervention. The author notes that in practice this problem has been solved differently, a reason for which he argues in favour of the need to bring an appeal in the interest of the law to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, in order to ensure the correct and consistent...
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