Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului

Dreptul de proprietate – Jurisprudenţa Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului prin Primul Protocol Adițional la Convenția pentru apărarea drepturilor omului şi a libertăților fundamentale, încheiat la Paris la 20 martie 1952
As a fundamental right, more precisely as a human right, property has always been affected by a certain ambiguity, both domestically and internationally, as to its meaning and nature. International law is marked by obvious nuances of concepts between states, even by frankly daring translations. This is the case with the concept of property. But after all, as long as systems are partitioned, what does it matter if everyone doesn’t p...
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Ignorarea precedentului judiciar – încălcare a dreptului la un proces echitabil și motiv de sesizare a Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului?
In the system of continental law, the ordinary case law does not constitute a source of law, so that the meaning of a rule can be clarified in this way, because in such a case the judge would become a legislator, according to the constitutional dispute court. The complexity of certain cases can sometimes lead to different applications of the law in the practice of the courts. The article draws attention to the intolerable degree of entropy of ...
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Revizuirea hotărârii civile ca urmare a unei soluționări amiabile – inclusiv în ipoteza unei declarații unilaterale – survenite la Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului. Argumente de lege ferenda
The article discusses the issue of reviewing civil judgments following an amicable settlement, including the case of a unilateral declaration at the European Court of Human Rights, given that there is a clear difference between the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code and those of the Civil Procedure Code in the sense that, while the criminal procedure expressly provides for the possibility of review even in case of an amicable settlemen...
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