Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: justiţie

O „anatomie” complexă a Jurisprudenţei în drept. Particularităţi privind jurisprundenţa Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene (CJUE)
Legal theorists still have a difficult line to walk. Precisely, that this area of jurisprudence requires a deepening both from the point of view of theory and philosophy of law which, in turn, requires an acute understanding of how the legal system works and the reasoning that is in the study of all entities from within the system. Jurisprudence is normally accompanied by doctrine, understood as the activity of scientific study and intellectual...
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Modernizarea justiţiei prin tehnologie
During the last decade, we are living under the influence of technology. Our activities are becoming more and more digitalized, and activities in the justice sector are no exception to this. However, compared to other fields, the representatives of the judiciary, being more conservative by nature of their occupation, often hesitate to accept or promote the use of technology. Thus, this article comes to support the effort to technol...
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