Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: profesionist

Protecția consimțământului consumatorului prin intermediul dreptului de denunțare unilaterală a contractului
05 01 2021
The right of withdrawal in consumer law is seen as a technique by which the legislature compensates the unequal balance of power at the time of concluding the contract by giving the consumer the opportunity to quietly examine the consequences of his purchase, to get information about the price of equivalent products or to consult with his family or his entourage, thus allowing the consolidation of consent. In point of legal nature, the right o...
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Aspecte procesuale referitoare la cererile în justiţie în raportul dintre profesioniști și consumatori
The relations between the producer and the consumer regarding the sale of consumer products may lead to disputes that can be settled by the parties amicably, extrajudicially, or, if this is not possible, by the first instance courts or arbitral courts, which means the observance of each party’s rights and obligations, in accordance with the legal provisions. We consider it useful to analyze in this study the possible types of civil litigation t...
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Consideraţii asupra instanţei competente să soluţioneze apelul cererilor împotriva hotărârilor pronunţate în cereri privind procedura executării silite, atunci când titlul executoriu este emis în contextul „exploatării unei întreprinderi”
The opinions presented in the article were the point of view of the authors submitted to the High Court of Cassation and Justice on the legal issue regarding the interpretation and application of art. 226 of Law no. 71/2011, as relating to art. 95(2) of the Civil Procedure Code on establishing the procedural material jurisdiction of the specialized tribunals (Argeş, Cluj, Mureş) in deciding on appeals in the enforcement procedure, namely: oppos...
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