Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: stat de drept

Mecanismul privind statul de drept în Uniunea Europeană de la concept la practică instituţională
The rule of law has been a long-standing priority for the European Union andrespect for this value has been a major concern for the European Commission. In this respect, several preventive and punitive legal means have been promoted over the years which should help to guarantee and protect the values of the European Union, including the rule of law. This article provides an overview of these mechanisms, of how they have been implemented a...
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Libertatea de exprimare, premisă a fericirii
Freedom of expression is one of the rights regulated and guaranteed both by the Constitution of Romania, the European Convention on Human Rights, but also by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in fact includes two freedoms: freedom of opinion and freedom of information. In the context in which the founding parents of the United States of America considered that freedom, together with life and the pursuit of happiness,...
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Libertatea de exprimare, premisă a fericirii
Freedom of expression is one of the rights regulated and guaranteed both by the Constitution of Romania, the European Convention on Human Rights, but also by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in fact includes two freedoms: freedom of opinion and freedom of information. In the context in which the founding parents of the United States of America considered that freedom, together with life and the pursuit of happiness,...
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Consideraţii teoretice și practice privind formele ajutorului public judiciar
Public judicial assistance in civil matters is a support mechanism granted by the state to natural persons who are or will be party to litigation in Romanian courts or other Romanian authorities with jurisdictional powers as a means to enable all litigants to have effective access to justice. The legislature intended to regulate the institution of public judicial assistance in civil matters as a genuine form of state assistance to ensur...
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