Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: Uniunea Europeană

Finanțarea durabilă ca armă de reziliență europeană – fintech și libera circulație a capitalurilor
This paper focuses on the key role that the post-Covid 19 European financial regulations are poised to play in Romania in relation to the development and deepening of the capital market, investment funds, fintech, cross-border financing and green finance. The author suggests that the Romanian market is faced with a unique confluence of regulatory and economic factors which, if optimally activated, can stimulate the financial perspectives of b...
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Elemente esențiale ale protecției datelor cu caracter personal în anul 2021
The data protection regime in 2021 was an anchor in the immediate reality, especially on the Internet, but also in the offline activities of controllers and data subjects. This report highlights the some of the most important elements regarding the institutional developments, the sanctioning regime and the commentary of a judgment of the Court of Justice, being provided recent bibliographical sources in the matter of reference.
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Spre o cartă europeană a drepturilor digitale – obiectiv al Uniunii Europene
The article aims to analyze the concept of “digital rights” and, in a comprehensive way, the current state of regulation on this topic, so that in the end we can appreciate the importance of digital rights regulation in the European Union and then their implementation at Member State level, taking into account existing good practice. The article focuses on the European Commission’s Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital D...
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10 ani de la deschiderea spre semnare a Convenției de la Istanbul
The article aims to analyse the effects of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, finalised in Istanbul on 11 May 2011, ten years after its preparation for signature. The tenth anniversary of the preparation for signature of this important legal instrument, which is binding on the Member States which have agreed to sign and ratify it, is an occasion for a retrospective of the ...
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Despre premisele, dezvoltările și perspectivele unui drept al inteligenței artificiale
Despre situația legiferării domeniului IA la nivel internațional ne vorbește Prof. univ. dr. Mircea DUȚU într-un studiu de amploare, foarte bine documentat, care subliniază cele mai noi concepte juridice care definesc un fenomen cheie în revoluția industrială a secolului XXI, din care prezentăm mai jos un extras. Un articol cadru despre expectative pozitive și îngrijorări, insuficiența eticii și necesitatea consolidării unui drept al inteligenței artificiale, manifestată deja la nivelul ONU, UNESCO, Consiliului Europei și OCDE și indispensabil pentru funcționarea unui
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