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Pagina 2 din 19
Clarificări privind fondul funciar, Politica Agricolă Comună, reconstituirea proprietăţii funciare private
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The successive reforms that determined an extensive reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, hereinafter referred to as the CAP, at the level of both Romania and the member states of the European Union (EU) were correlated with the newenvironmental requirements, and not only with regard to productivity.Thus, the rethinking of the Common Agricultural Policy reconsidered part ofthe development efforts in the sphere of the impac...
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Exercitarea abuzivă a „dreptului de acces la internet”, mijloc de săvârșire a unor infracţiuni contra persoanei. Analiza hărţuirii în mediul online
In this article, aspects related to the abusive exercise of the „right to access the Internet” are analyzed from the perspective of committing crimes that affect the mental freedom of the person. Thus, the offense of harassment is studied in the mitigating version, regulated by art. 208 paragraph. 2 C. pen., being brought to light a series of interesting aspects regarding the need to amend the criminal legislation in order to align the legal t...
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Criza dreptului și a justiţiei în epoca postmodernismului. Contradicţii maladive ale justiţiei
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
This essay represents an attempt to highlight, from a legal and philosophical perspective, the most significant contradictions that can affect justice during a period of social crisis, namely the era of postmodernism. The object of our analysis is: normativism and legal formalism, the ideology of globalization, the contradiction between the consecration and guarantee of citizen rights and the restriction of their exercise through excess of pow...
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Suveranitatea digitală a Europei – marea provocare europeană a deceniului: un nou cadru pentru accelerarea inovaţiei și a competitivităţii într-o superputere tehnologică
The terrible War in Ukraine calls into question something that many have long regretted: Europe’s historical acceptance of a secondary role on the world geostrategic map. The fatal context only promoted the word sovereignty, which continued to gain prominence until it became perhaps the most cited word in any meeting about the future of the continent. At first it seems clear that sovereignty comes from the people, but this question needs...
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Considerente cu privire la necesitatea săvârșirii faptei de contrafacere cu intenţie (sau nu?) pentru a se putea dispune obligarea autorului la plata de despăgubiri în conformitate cu prevederile art. 14 din O.U.G. nr. 100/2005
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
With respect to the damages caused by breaching industrial property rights, the extent to which the provisions of article 14 of OUG no. 100/2005 are also applicable when the deed is committed with fault, represent the object of a series of analysis in the legal literature and case law. The High Court of Cassation and Justice has answered this question in the affirmative. Given the complexity of the analysed problem, we deem it useful to draft ...
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Unele aspecte doctrinare privind terorismul și criminalitatea organizată analizate și incriminate în legislaţia naţională și internaţională
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The first part of the analysis focuses on the concept of „terrorism” and „organized crime” as seen through a series of international documents, works and governmental institutions dedicated to the prevention and fighting of terrorism. Next, the national and international juridical frameworks which incriminate terrorism and organized crime are being presented and studied. In the end, the work shows the contribution of forensics as...
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Rolul art. 8 din Convenţia Europeană a Drepturilor Omului la consacrarea dreptului la un mediu sănătos
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
During the works, we analyzed the role of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) regarding the evolution of the right to a healthy environment, starting from the interpretation and application of the already famous article 8 paragraph 1 of the European Convention, according to the way „any person has the right to respect” his private and family life, his domicile and correspondence”. The jurisprudence developed on the ...
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Antinomie legislativă – Precizări privind competenţa materială de soluţionare a litigiilor privind executarea contractelor de achiziţie publică
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
Ensuring a legal framework necessary to purchase goods, services and works in conditions of economic and social efficiency based on principles of good practice has seen a continuous debate from the regulation of the way of public procurement, the procedures for awarding public procurement contracts and organization of solution contests, the specific tools and techniques that can be used for awarding public procurement contracts, as well as ce...
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Unele consideraţii privind bunurile și dreptul de proprietate în contextul noilor tehnologii. Privire specială asupra bunurilor digitale
Property, approached from an economic standpoint, preceded its legal regulation, which means that it is not law that creates property, but rather the role of the legislature is to protect, to create the legal conditions for its exercise, for observing the prerogatives belonging to the owner with regard to his property. There is an indissoluble link between legal rules and economic and social reality, in the sense that law must continuou...
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Ajutorul de stat în sectorul energiei verzi
Modern economies rely heavily on private undertakings to decide what goods to produce and trade, what kind of projects to invest in, and where all these activities should take place. As a rule, competition between undertakings spurs investment and innovation, which theoretically benefits the population. Nevertheless, governments often interfere in markets through their regulatory power, pursuing goals that have nothing to do with economic effi...
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Principiul legalităţii – „azi îl vedem, și nu e”sau in claris fit interpretatio
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The article pleads for compliance with the principle of legality, considering that the law has a certain degree of relativity, determined by its very interpretable character. Noticing this vulnerability of the law, the courts, in particular, experience the subtle limit between interpretation and legal creation, attempting to embrace the role of legislative authority. Often, ignoring the first side of the principle of legality – compliance exact...
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Particularităţi normative actuale în favoarea aplicării mecanismelor justiţiei restaurative pentru minori în sistemul procesual penal
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
Although the application of the specific mechanisms of restorative justice to conflict situations would present indisputable advantages, we will have to note that restorative justice is not a priority for the national legislator, an extended regulation can bring multiple advantages, including at the level of the judicial system. Constantly, at the level of all contemporary legal systems, clear efforts have been made to improve the clas...
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Franța: regimul fiscal al operelor realizate prin intermediul inteligenței artificiale generative
Ce întrebări ridică inteligență artificială generativă? Deși a fost pusă la dispoziția publicului larg și pusă pe piață în urmă cu foarte puțin timp, tehnologia digitală numită generic „inteligență artificială generativă” (AI) și-a consolidat deja o poziție solidă, mai ales în domeniul industriei culturale. Așa cum era de așteptat, producerea și utilizarea de creații artistice sintetice ridică un anumit număr de întrebări pentru diverșii actori ce operează în acest sector, inclusiv în materie de fiscalitate publică și de proprietate intelectuală. În Franța, dezbatere...
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Principiul comportamentului constituțional loial aplicat în activitatea Parlamentului și a Guvernului – aspecte de jurisprudență constituțională
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The supremacy of the Constitution would remain a mere theoretical matter if there were no adequate guarantees. Undeniably, constitutional justice and its particular form, the constitutionality control of laws, represent the main guarantee of the supremacy of the Constitution, as it is also expressly stipulated in the Fundamental Law of Romania. The obligation of the authorities, namely the parliament and the executive to have a constit...
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Prescripția dreptului de a cere executarea silită în cazul atragerii răspunderii membrilor organelor de conducere, în materia insolvenței prin raportare la Codul civil
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
In order to issue a preliminary decision to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, it was referred under the provisions of art. 519 of the Civil Procedure Code, regarding the following legal issues: „The provisions of art. 138 para. (1) and art. 139 of Law no. 85/2006 on the insolvency procedure, with subsequent amendments and additions, related to the provisions of art. 25, art. 26, art. 220 para. (10) and Article 215 of Law No. 207/2015 on ...
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Pagina 2 din 19